Honoring Life's Sacred Moments
& Aligning with Your Soul

​The Enchanted Life is a about bringing inspiration, love, connection, soul-alignment & empowerment to others.
I am passionate about creating meaningful ceremonies & rituals for life's most significant milestones.
As a skilled circle facilitator & celebrant, I am dedicated to holding space for you to celebrate love, connection, & transformation.
​​I am Sonya Lyn;
Soul Coach, Celebrant,
Labyrinth Priestess, Sacred Circle Facilitator, Ritualist, Lightworker, Mystic &
Creative Healer.
Rooted in Earth wisdom & inspired by the Celtic Wheel of the Year, I guide individuals & groups through the sacred rhythms of life, offering rituals & ceremonies that honor the turning seasons & life’s transitions.
With a belief that we are led by our soul & the constant nudges of the Divine, we can live an Enchanted Life.​​

Sonya is compassionate, caring, and attentive to anyone and everyone that she engages with in her many forms of community outreach. These include leading women’s circles,
Labyrinth walking experiences, celebrations of spiritual holy-days, and personal development workshops. Sonya has an innate ability to gather, centre, teach, guide,
and to allow people to experience and enhance their spiritual path in a safe and encouraging manner.
~ Cherye
Sonya is an incredible guide, ceremony facilitator, and holder of space for others to be themselves, however that may be. When around Sonya you can’t help but feel held and supported; always without judgement and with the utmost of care.
~ Olivia
Sonya is an extremely experienced circle facilitator, running regular women’s circles, gatherings and workshops that have sacred ritual at the heart. She is also experienced in leading ceremony and ritual for various rites-of-passage, such as mother blessings and new home blessings.
~ Hayley